Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Like Bunnies!

I read a CNN article about a question posted by Stephen Hawking (physicist, wheelchair enthusiast) to Yahoo Answers.

Hawking's question:
"In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"

Hawking assumes that we will have off-world settlements after the 100 year mark - and that mankind could withstand an Earthly extinction level event by being on another planet. I hope we have off-world settlements by 2106, but I have my doubts. Even if we have them, how self-sufficient can they be without Earth to turn to? And will they be peopled with a scattering of scientists or a diverse group intended for re-population?

I'm thinking we'll survive on Earth because there are billions of us. All it takes is a handful of survivors, and we'll find a way to live on as long as Earth can sustain life in even isolated areas. Not an encouraging thought really, but there it is.

What do you guys think?


  1. I started to comment, but realised I'd be writing a 1000 word comment. I decided to make a blog post out of it.

  2. I want to move to Saturn and jump rings.
