Thursday, July 27, 2006

Obscure Pop Culture Reference from 1990

Trivia - What is the source of the reference in italics?
So I had a one-night stand with this amazing brunette at a hotel... When I woke up, she was gone - but she'd left this weird note:
I am the flower, you are the seed. We walked in the garden, we planted a tree. Dont try to find me, please don't you dare. Just live in my memory, you'll always be there.
Answer to be revealed tomorrow in Comments, if no one gets it...


  1. I don't see why you'd be upset. I mean all she wanted to do was make love to you.

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmm! haunting! I mean seriously, I know this . . .

  3. I googled . . . shame on me . . . but what american could wait until tomorrow????

  4. Not one of their better songs. Can you believe Nancy married Cameron Crowe?

  5. Ah, that was too easy! Well done Craig, for being the first person to visit.

    The answer - the Heart song All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You, from the album Brigade.

  6. sure "Well done Craig"--this site is so turning into a good ole boys' club . . .

  7. I would have "Well said done SQ", but you

    a) Had to Google it
    b) Were not first.

