Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We've Moved!

The move is finally over! We were sad to leave our lovely apartment complex in Miami, but the new apartment in Ocala is also very pretty and allows us a lot more space - who doesn't love that?

Here's a quote from Wikipedia about Ocala:
"The city has a total area of 100.1 km² (38.6 mi²), all land. The surrounding farms are famous for their thoroughbred horses, in terrain similar to Kentucky bluegrass. Ocala is also known for nearby Silver Springs, Florida, site of one of the largest artesian spring formations in the world and one of the earliest tourist attractions in Florida."

Doesn't that just scream high-tech? I should have no trouble getting a computer job. Or maybe diagnosing horse diseases. Perhaps from a horse-disease database? Wait a minute.....I don't know anything about horses!..I've been practicing "Would you like fries with that?" in front of a mirror, and I think I have it perfect - just the right amount of bitterness tinged with seething apathy.

Here's a pic of the stairs leading to our new apartment. All of the angles and measurements are just a bit off - such as in this picture, where the window is not centered. The whole thing has a kind of Beetlejuice feel.



  1. Glad you're finished moving. Don't you just LOVE the white walls?

    At least it's not aqua and shell pink.

    Do you have a pool?
    I wish i had a pool.

    You'll be fine MC. look on the bright side- burgers, fries, and shakes aren't THAT hard to sell.
    Something in your line of work will come along......

  2. THe photo gives the impression that it is a really _small_ the entrance to the chocolate meadow in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Enjoy and happy housewarming!!

  3. Wow! It is Beetleguiest-esque! Too cool--you have all the adventure in life . . .

    You two are quite the moving experts now--how's about flying [name a direction that doesn't give me away] and lending a hand?

  4. Got to echo heather. My first thought when I saw that pic was "How do they fit through that tiny door?"

    You're trying to destroy my mind, aren't you?

  5. small door...small...ah never mind.

    It is a bit odd. Maybe they needed to make room for that "make you feel safe, but it's most likely not hooked up" security contraption next to the door?
