Saturday, July 22, 2006


This is the view from the living room at the new apartment. We don't have a view of a little lake as we did in Miami, but the trees are nice, and keep the place cooler in the afternoon - since the living room faces west.

We have squirrels here, (I didn't see a single one in Miami) and they climb all over the building for some reason. Are there acorns on the roof? I don't think so...

The cat spends her days perched atop a stack of boxes, watching the squirrel's every move. Her body language clearly states "These f*cking squirrels are up to something, and it's a damn good thing I'm here to keep an eye on them. One of them darted past with some U-235 the other day. I swear they're building something in that tree."

Her demands for an air strike on Tree Alpha-Foxtrot-987 have been largely ignored by the Pentagon.



  1. It's a known fact that squirrels hate freedom.

  2. ok...I had a great response and then read kato's remarks. Now I am just laughing.

  3. Thursday evening, when it cooled after the rain, my students and I decided to have class on the terrace behind the library--very distracting. Squirrels, 3 deer . . . the squirrel took nuts from a bird feeder while hanging from its tail.

    Did you know squirrels could do that?
