Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm so PC, I run OS X

I was reading Boing Boing this morning as per usual, when I came across this article:

"These coat hooks look like regular pub-darts, but come with special fittings to make them stick into the wall; would lend an air of insouciant sportiness to any home.
Link (via Cribcandy)"

Mike: Neat! I wonder if
Paulius has seen this. Maybe I should send him a link to it.

Mike's Overdeveloped Sense of Political Correctness: Woah, wait a minute there. Why Paulius? Why not Kato or SQ or anyone else?

Mike: Uh, well... Paulius is from Britain, and darts and pubs and all that make me think of Britain.

Mike's Overdeveloped Sense of Political Correctness: So he's automatically a lush, just because he's British?

Mike: No, of course not. I think he used to work in a bar.

Mike's Overdeveloped Sense of Political Correctness: So he's automatically an Andy Capp-type stereotype? He LOVES everything about pubs? He has a neon sign of his favorite brand of Guinness? Giant novelty tankards? Calls everyone "Govnuh"??

Mike: No. No. No!

Mike's Overdeveloped Sense of Political Correctness: He probably thinks you wear a cowboy hat, stink of stolen foreign oil and french fries, and are ignorant about any country but your own. How would you like that?

Mike: (chastised) I wouldn't.

Mike's Overdeveloped Sense of Political Correctness: That's right. Now go blog about this. And don't let me catch you thinking stereotypical thoughts again.


  1. wow, your brain is on over-drive ;O)

  2. It's okay, anytime I see something about the U.K. (or catch a newly imported British comedy via BBCA) I think of mentioning it to Paulius. I guess I need more British friends :)

    I'm pretty sure Cindy blogged awhile back, though, about your fondness for Stetsons and french fries.

  3. Nice post title, btw.

  4. Ok, MC...take a deep's ok. I'm not offended.

    Also, while I wouldn't be offended even if I still lived in England, since moving to the USA I've probably become the most British person in the world. (Think the Greek dad on 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding...only change 'Greek' to 'British'.)

    Therefore, I love anything stereotypically English. (I'm currently looking for a Union Jack Flag to hang outside the front door). Keep the links coming!
