Friday, January 28, 2005

Yucky. Reset Button, where are you?

Wow, I have not posted for a while. I've gotten out of the habit, I suppose. Existance has been crummy lately, so I have not been very perky or in the mood to comment on said existance. Change is in the air like whiffs of something foul. Here's hoping something life changing happens soon.


  1. Have missed you! Good to hear from you too--sounds like you may need to change your diet.

    Try something green or with lots of fiber . . .

  2. Thanks for the good advice! Diet is a really huge deal in one's mental state. I think people probably have a lot of food allergies/reactions that they don't realize they have.

    Causes headaches, minor skin issues, etc. Docs are developing better tests for allergies, more comprehensive, based on a DNA test. That's be cool, when it's in use.
