Thursday, August 18, 2005

Is Alcohol Next?

By the year 2065 - I wonder how the meaning of advertising jargon from 2005 will have changed. And which practices now commonplace will by then be known as eeevill?

I've been getting bored of my limited iPod musical selection, so I uploaded to iTunes and into MP3 format a whole series of radio shows from the 1940's that I had on CD, but have never listened to. Until this morning.

Here is an exact quote from the radio show:

"...there's just time to consider a matter of utmost importance to every cigarette smoker: How mild can a cigarette be - Smoke Camels and see! Prove for yourself what noted throat specialists reported about Camel mildness in a coast-to-coast smoking test.

"In this test, hundreds of men and women smoked Camels and only Camels for thirty days - an average of one to two packs a day. After...2470 careful examinations in all, the doctors reported not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels. Take the Camel mildness test yourself, test Camels in your T Zone - T for taste, and T for throat!"

"...And remember, Camels by the carton are the best buy!"

"...For several years now, the makers of Camel Cigarettes have been sending free smokes to Servicemen's Hospitals all over the country. Yes, and this week among other hospitals, free Camels are being sent to the Veterans Hospital - Marion Indiana, The US Naval Hospital - Chelsea Massachusetts, and the US Marine Hospital - Galveston Texas. That makes a total of more than 180 million cigarettes that the Camel people have sent to Servicemen and Veterans. Well happy smoking, fellas, your cigarettes are on the way to you now."

~~~~~ etch-a-sketch attention span, etch a sketch, etch a sketch attention span, MC Etcher
New book review posted


  1. Haha.

    And remember kids, radiation and shock waves harmless as long as you duck and cover!

  2. And just think - any mention of sex would have been SCANDALOUS. Blows me mind.
