Thursday, August 04, 2005

No Left Turn, Magic Keys, Incoherent Babbling

Once in a great while, I'll come out of the apartment and try to turn left at the bottom of the stairs. I don't know why I do this - you can't turn left there, left is a wall. You have to turn right.

Am I just distracted? Yes, but I don't think that explains it. My feet know where to take me, they're supposed to take me right. Not left.

(In the same way I can drive home from work without really thinking about my destination - I get home on autopilot.)

Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? Is there a secret way through the wall to the left? Is my subconscious trying to guide me to this secret?

In a separate but related phenomenon, I notice that when I get my keys out - casually and distractedly - I end up holding the key that leads to the place that I most want to be. That is, if I'm heading to the car and I really want to stay home, I'll find myself holding the house key. If we're planning a party day at work, I find myself holding the work key.

What if I could put these two phenomenon together? My subconscious desire to find the secret door to the left at the bottom of the stairs, and the key to the place I most want to be. A magical key would manifest itself, and I could open the secret door.

But I'd have to arrive there without meaning to. It's an accidental destination.

What if I'm led to some deep horrible secret that's meant to remain locked within my soul? I find my Happy Place and it's covered in blood?

I think I'd want to chance it. I could just peek in, right? I don't have to walk through the door...


  1. *Holding hands over ears and closing eyes tightly*

    La lalalalalalalallala
    Happy Places have no blood....


    That would really be a cool trick tho wouldn't it- to be able to have secret doors and be able to THINK a key for them? I would totally be adventurious enough to turn the key and peek thru to see if I wanted to go on and on the days when I was fed up I would probally turn the key and run thru it and slam it behind me before I could change my mind.

    Recieved pkg today! Guess what Paulius is doing right now?

    :-) Thank you so much. Seriously- no sarcasm intended!

  2. On a related subject, when I first moved to the USA, I continually bumped into things.

    You see, back in England, I got out of bed on the left, because there was a wall on the right. So every morning. BANG.

    Get up for a drink in the middle of the night. Bang.

    I won't bring up the time I peed in the kitchen sink, thinking it was the bathroom.

  3. The sledgehammer is your friend.

  4. This sounds like a fiction novel waiting to be written...

    Funny story--where I work, when you enter the bathroom you have to turn right because (just as in your case) there is only a wall to the left...but...the wall has a mirror on it and I happen to work in a pub...I'm sure you can guess the rest.

  5. Just be sure you have an anchor to our side.
