Friday, October 21, 2005

Bloggin Aint Easy

Blogging's a tough business these days, competition is fierce. There's a lot of pressure to make a good product and stay afloat from month to month, (as we all know).

Of course any time there's a product, there's a seamy underbelly. The bloody noses and broken legs of back-alley politics that are kept out of sight by those who would
incite revolution and remake the realm in their own image.

On a completely unrelated topic, get a load of my new checks!
Fizzy Pop is da bomb! (They didn't have Rainbow Brite, bastards)!


  1. I think the best thing to do is to make sure you get something out of it - enjoyment for want of a better word. It's fair enough posting about stuff that people might find entertaining, but you need to be enjoying it or it'll become tedious.

    Keep it real, as they've started saying on the streets - apparently.

  2. Mmmm, seamy underbelly, the OTHER white meat.

    Oh, and Kato, I meant to send you my check this week, but I'm a little short. You don't mind if I....(HURK, thud.)

  3. At least he just wants money from you guys....

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Tina! This was just a joke, poking fun at Kato.


  5. Uh . . . I don't get it . . .

  6. That's ok, SQ - you're not missing a lot. And any joke that needs explanation isn't a good one.

    My bad for post a silly thing that only 2 people would enjoy!

  7. Sorry, I was too busy rolling around naked in money to bother myself with the postings of peons like yourself.

    Incidentally, the protection fee is now two hundred and fifty clams. I suggest you be prompt, our British friend was late and now he doesn't have any kneecaps. Tsk, tsk.
