Thursday, October 06, 2005


You can be a totally buff and manly man, and still walk into the gym with a real, live squawking and talking parrot on your forearm without losing cool points.

Loving Tenderness - three hundred thousand dollars. Being able to say "Who's Your Paternal Progenitor, Female Canines?" - Priceless.

Frosty cold grapes are an excellent contrast to toasty warm cinnamon swirl waffles.

Voting is the shizzle. Even Aristotle thought so, and who are we to argue with ole A-Totle? (like P-Diddy but Old School fo Reals)


  1. "Who's Your Paternal Progenitor, Female Canines?"

    MC Etcher, you're my hero.

  2. CK: Guy Nod Of Mutual Respect

  3. You are a silly man, Etcher.

  4. I had to read the 'female canines' bit over a few times until I got it.

    For some reason, I thought you where talking about women's teeth.

    Yeah, I just woke up

  5. Oh, sunny's comment above? That was me.

    Told you I'd just woken up.
