Friday, February 11, 2005

Funtastic Friday

Yay, it's nice to get paid!

I actually have some work to do today, it boggles the mind but it's true. It kept me busy all morning, and promises to do so for at least another hour. It's nice when I'm busy, cause the time goes by faster.

Cindy and I are supposed to go out and about tonight, she wants to see the movie 'Sideways'. I've heard nothing but good things about it, so that should be fun.

I've been lazy this week - I have not yet worked on my promised writing assignment, 'Distressed'. And I'm not really feeling like working on it today, so that's that. I don't think we're meeting till Tuesday - or is it Thursday? So I have a few more days, no matter what.

The secret project began yesterday, it has been set in motion! The world knows not what is about to hit it!! All will love the secret project and shower gifts, knighthoods, and endorsements upon me! Yes Yes Yes!!

Still waiting for my check from the recent freelance position... They better pay me soon or I will spread their secrets across the world like coins in a Sonic the Hedgehog adventure.


  1. Does the secret have a brand name?

    See _House of Flying Daggers_ too.
    Kungfu for women.

  2. The Secret Project! Yes, it has a brand name - thanks for asking!

    Of course, in cannot tell the name to you, being a clandestine operation.

    I will tell the secret you said Hi.

  3. House of Flying Daggers! Yes, I have heard good things from others, as well.

    I'll have to check it out, thanks!
