Thursday, February 17, 2005

Long Time No Blog

Wow, Somehow I got out of the habit.

Not a lot going on lately, working and sleeping mostly. Cindy and I are waiting for our tax money to arrive, so we can head out on a trip. Thinking of Oregon. I know, that's a really exciting destination. We're odd.

Squirrely, I'm sorry you had to resort to reading my crappy old posts, they were largely complaints about being bored at work. Payday - yeah, I've always awaited payday with much anticipation. That's why we work. Well, those of us with jobs that don't help mankind, anyway.

...Teaching, that's one of those jobs like Police or Fireman - necessary, important, not for me.

Still waiting for the Co I contracted for recently to pay me. I asked them yesterday and they said "By next Friday". Ugh.


  1. Uh . . .Oregon? What's in Oregon? Isn't it cold in Oregon about now? or not? Is there a spa?

    What do you mean help mankind? You mean testing Bratz electronics isn't what I always thought it would be? My partner would kill to have your job & on most days I would too . . .

    If I can help it, only 5 more months of "teaching" left . . .


  2. Michelle is from Florida, and has never been to the Pacific Northwest.

    Since we're preparing to move to Florida, I fear we will never leave it.

    So I want to show her the country a bit, explore future moving options.

    I used to live in the Pacific Northwest, and really liked it, rain and all.

    Plus there's this amazing bookstore in Portland, and if you want Michelle to perk, say "bookstore!"

  3. Portland is fun--so I've been told. Does Michelle blog?

  4. Michelle would be a wonderfully funny, interesting, witty blogger. But no, she doesn't blog, yet. I think she will start soon.

    Portland. Yeah. I think it'll be fun to get away. It needn't be anywhere exotic.
