Wednesday, July 06, 2005


All right, all of you scions of the British Empire - this is notice!

In reading your fun and interesting blogs, I've begun to absorb your word use.

I found myself thinking "Get a load of this bloke." yesterday while driving home, when a lorry driver cut me off. What?!

Next thing you know, I'll be saying "What's all this, then?" and "Bloody Hell!" and "Could you loan us a fiver till Tuesday?"

It's got to stop!
So I won't be able to read your blogs any longer.

Nuff said, yeah?
Right then. Off you go.


  1. The wife contracted the same disease. Hearing someone shout 'Bloody Hell' in a southern accent is funny as hell!

    On the other hand, I now say 'huh?' instead of 'eh?', 'Did you eat yet' instead of 'have you eaten yet'.

    I also say 'y'all' a lot now.

    The rot has set in.

    Oh the humanity!!!!

  2. I love to say Blood Hell actually, especially if I throw in a twang from back when.

    Things like that just creep in over time, verbalisms and whatnot. Like you do. Sorry, can't help you there. Let's call it a day.

  3. It was scary when I spoke to my extended family last christmas...a mere 8 months after arriving in the states.

    Every single one said "Oh my god! You sound like an American!"


    Especially considering I made a special effort to preserve my accent. To me there's nothing more pathetic than someone moving to a new country, and taking on their accent in a few short hours.

    "Hey Y'all! Can you guess where I went on vacation this year?"

  4. It's amazing how this happens. I often find myself pondering defence or defense, color or colour and favorite or favourite.

  5. For a genuine antipodean flavour - try adding a dash of "you flamin' mongrel", or a pinch of "you bloody sticky beak".
