Saturday, September 25, 2004

First Fool Here

It's Saturday morning and I'm the first one at work. Clearly I'm not working at this exact moment, but soon. Not surprised that last minute BS has led us to this point - The programmers have very little stomach for overtime, and so don't want to work late unless they are 5 minutes away from missing a deadline.

Personally, I'd rather work a couple of extra hours every day through the week, making sure my project is on track, rather than "golly gee!" realize at the last minute that my ducks are in fact not in a row. Instead, my ducks are going buck wild all over the farm, and suddenly sodomy aint just a river in Egypt. Bad Ducks! Now, see - if we'd been killing and eating the ducks all along, we wouldn't be in this pickle right now.

I slept in and didn't exercise. I'm a bad duck? Nah. I'll just work out when I get home. I shook the DDR dance pad within an inch of its life, threatening it with exploratory surgery. (I held it at the opposite end of the problem and tried to wriggle the error-causing wire to return to its rightful region.)

The dance pad is now behaving about 60% better. I'm glad, I really didn't want to try and open it up and fix it. Some gizmo's, once you open them up, they never quite shut properly again. See, it's not screwed shut like most electronic items, it's sewn shut - and there are multiple layers inside, and I don't want to go there.

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