Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Nice Lunch!

I just had a nice lunch at Chili's with Lisa, Karen, Keiko, Lucas, and Chris. It was Lisa's Birthday and I didn't reveal that my Birthday is tomorrow.

It was good to see Lisa - I felt bad after all that talk(in June) of going to Crave, and then not going. It felt as if I owed her an explanation. She and Bob might not have thought anything of it, but I felt bad.

Lisa said Bob still speaks very highly of me, and that I'd always be welcome back... I can't remember the exact wording, but that's the gist. It's nice to know! A good feeling.

I mentioned that I would be going to school early next year, and that I was going into web design. Karen does/did web design, and asked me some questions. She was concerned I guess, what with her knowledge of the field... I said I was leaning more toward the programming end rather than the artistic end, which seemed to reassure her.

She recommended concentrating on programming, since so many programs now make it easy to do the basic stuff. If I wanted to do well, becoming a real specialist in the deep recesses of the programming would be best.

Personally, I'm still leaning towards the more surface stuff, HTML, Java, Flash, etc. As I learn more, her view will probably become more obviously correct. But engineering a stable server environment is not as appealing as creating elements the user can actually see and interact with.

I'd rather be a house painter than a plumber.

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