Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Fruitfully Delicious!

It's the noon hour and I haven't done any work since I got in at 10. We're supposed to be testing the 2 Player version of the game, but it's not ready for prime time just yet. As of last Friday we were supposed to be working on 2 Player - still nothing, and this is Wednesday. Today we're not even pretending to work on anything. Not even trying to look busy.

I got up early, rode the bike, showered, and worked on the web site. I wasn't into the web work at first this morning - but about the time I had to leave and go to work, I was enjoying it and wishing I could stay longer. I left the page I reworked on screen for Cindy to look at, and she seems to like the changes. I like them too.

I need to get back into the habit of getting up early to work on it, now that overtime at work is no more, and I have no real excuse. Plus, I'm going to Ohio soon and want to have something good to show! I need to change all the pages from reading 'Mystery Interactive' to 'Fiction Interactive' in the text. The first page I did wasn't that bad.

I'm thinking of having the main Fiction Interactive logo with all the genres around it - mystery, horror, romance, etc. I'm going to grey out the choices other than 'mystery' and set up a voting system that will allow the readers to decide which genre will be active next. Cindy recommeds 'erotica' as the most popular one, and she's probably right. Cindy is helping me with logo ideas for the front page. She's a great help - I couldn't do it without her.

Cindy is trying to prepare me for the Jimmy Buffet concert - she's so tickled we're finally getting to go - the last few years, there's always been some reason she could not go. This year, it will happen! I don't mind going, she's been waiting for years! The music is nice and Mr. Buffet isn't gonna live forever!

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