Monday, November 08, 2004

Sow And So On

I got up early this morning to get my write on. The alarm went off at 6am, and I didn't drag my ass out of bed till 6:20. Tsk! Bad, Lazy Mike! I exercised as usual (30 mins on stationary bike followed by free weights) but as I sat down in front of the computer, I wasn't really in the mood to write.

After my shower and breakfast, I starting feeling better. Maybe I just needed a blood sugar boost. I ended up writing a little over 600 words, I think. Better, for a morning session. Of course, I also spent more time on it, so you get what you give, I reckon. Seed what you sow, and so on.

Michelle found out this morning that one of her coworkers has a boyfriend who's also doing the NaNoWriMo contest. Oddly enough, his name is also Mike. The boyfriend, not the coworker. I'm sure tons of people are doing it, possibly even some people at my work. They seem more graphic artists than writers, but hey, who knows? If I showed up wearing a NaNoWriMo T-Shirt, some people might speak out.

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