Monday, November 15, 2004

Whatchoo Know Bout That?

Today was, unsurprisingly, slow again. I went to Barnes and Noble over lunch and looked around for the 'Long Way Round' book that Michelle claims exists. I didn't see it. I read 'Wired' for about 30 minutes, and then headed back to work. Killed about an hour total.

After lunch, I got running and put my headphones on and actually did some writing. It seems the music is a bigger help than I expected. I just needed a little more disconnect, I guess. I wrote like 800 words, so that's progress. I may have written 800 this morning too.

Hey, that's 1600, about what a days' writing should be. Damn, if I can catch up over the next week or so, that would be great. I fear the last minute all-day writing fest at the end of the month.

I think we're gonna have a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving, so that should help too. Wow, this morning I was thinking I'd never make 50,000 words in 30 days. Now it's looking more do-able. Especially if I can get even a little bit of writing done at work each day. We'll see.

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